Nicolis Yuvienco.
I'm a Full-Stack Engineer.
I build pixel-perfect websites and applications using the latest technologies.
Full-Stack EngineerBuilt a custom ecommerce website and a dashboard that allows clients to customize the website. Successfully demoed TailwindCSS to my team and implemented a scalable CSS solution for two SaaS projects. Onboarded and mentored a new developer intern to the team. Built an API to sanitize form data, send the data to an email, and send a response back to the client.
NextJSReactJSTypeScriptHTML/SCSSTailwindCSSTanStack QueryReact RouterReduxNodeJSPHPMagentoFreelance Web Developer
Frontend EngineerDesigned and worked with other engineers to build the ArcLogistix website. Performed SEO on the ArcLogistix website and made it to the first page of results on Google when you search the company name. Implemented best web accessibility practices, such as including alt attributes on all image elements, to conform to WCAG standards and to ensure all content is ADA compliant.
JavaScriptHTML/CSS/SCSSTailwindCSSWebpackBootstrapNetlifySome of My Projects
Doer is a productivity based web application that helps you stay focused and on task. This web app contains several features such as a personalized welcome bar, todo-list, notes widget, and a pomodoro timer. The welcome bar uses the Open Weather API and Inspirational Quotes API to display data and the entire app uses the browsers local storage to save user data.
Wheels Landing Page
A landing page for the Wheels ridesharing company featuring mobile first design and responsive UI, local restaurant information, form validation and form handling, dynamic JavaScript components, and ES6 modules.
Felix's Footwear
An E-Commerce web page for Felix's Footwear shoe company featuring Contentful CMS to display product data, shopping cart, functionality, local storage to save cart data, modals, and modal popups complete with body scroll lock, form validation and form handling, dynamic JavaScript components, ES6 modules and classes, and a full production build using Webpack.